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What kind of clothes you wear during american citizenship ceremony Form: What You Should Know

The document above shows all the official attire that is required What type of clothing to avoid.  The document above shows all the official attire that is required at the USCIS Oath of Allegiance Ceremony.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What kind of clothes you wear during american citizenship ceremony

Instructions and Help about What kind of clothes you wear during american citizenship ceremony

Well, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm John McArdle and I'm fortunate enough to be the mayor of Independence. I want to welcome all of you to tonight's naturalization ceremony. It's a truly special occasion, as it gives those of you who have already taken your official oath up in Portland the opportunity to do it again here tonight, in front of your family and friends. I believe that this is incredibly important. This day holds personal significance for me as well. I want you to know that I, too, am a naturalized citizen. I was not born here. My parents, especially my father, who served in the American military overseas in Germany, were unable to have children of their own. That's when they found me at a Catholic orphanage. They were issued children, and that's how I became a part of their family. I vividly remember becoming a citizen, even though I was only four years old at the time. The memory is as clear to me as if it happened yesterday. It took place at the Marion County Courthouse in Salem. I can still picture myself sitting in one of the chairs. From being at an orphanage to becoming a citizen of this country, my journey has instilled in me the understanding that my sister and I, the two of us, were joining something that was greater than ourselves. We were being embraced by the country we had come to call home. I am truly delighted that all of you are here tonight. We are here to celebrate your journey towards becoming citizens of this country. We are here to acknowledge and honor the struggles you have faced and the challenges you have overcome. You come from different places, and you have worked tirelessly. I know that you have dedicated...