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Citizenship oath ceremony how long Form: What You Should Know

How Should I Prepare for the Oath Ceremony? The Oath of Allegiance Ceremony is a solemn ceremony where candidate recites portions of the oath of allegiance (requiring the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America). During the oath ceremony, the candidate will be asked to take part in a moment of silence (one of my personal favorite parts of my interviews). The following questions are typically asked of each candidate  What is your personal history of loyalty to this country? What is the highest moral principle of your thinking, both individually and collectively? To what extent have you sought to preserve the sacred principle of religious freedom in your actions? What is the fundamental moral principle which unites all Americans? What is the first moral principle of politics? What is the fundamental moral principle which unites all conservatives? What is the moral ideal and political ideal of the American Revolution? What is the essential moral principle of American politics that is diametrically opposed to communism? (I have written that each candidate should respond to both questions, then read the question at length for about a minute and a half each and answer the question before moving on to the next.) The Candidate and Staff may also be asked additional questions (such as about their foreign citizenship) during the Oath Ceremony. Candidate should stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. As the candidate speaks the Pledge of Allegiance, the staff should remain silent during the final three words of the oath. The candidate may choose to recite a phrase that includes these three words or to just say them directly When should the Candidate and Staff stand for the Pledge of Allegiance? Candidate can stand during the last three words of the oath How many times should the Oath Ceremony be conducted? There are no set guidelines. The time and manner of the Oath Ceremony can be used to stress any specific part of the oath. How Long After the Oath Ceremony is the Applicant Required to Attend a Citizenship Oath Application Interview? The Applicant should keep the USCIS informed of the time and date of the citizenship interview, which is typically scheduled between 3 – 7 weeks after the naturalization ceremony. How Often Should Applicant Meet With a Candidate or Staff for a Citizenship Interview? The applicant should have a minimum of 20 appointments with a counselor and at least one additional appointment for the interview itself.

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